

July 16
Peter Maňo interviewed as part of the festival Fest Anča.

January 21
Martin Lang in the Smooth Brain Society podcast describing his research on ritual and studies in preparation on on the mechanisms of secularization, "The Rise and Fall of Ritual Behaviour".



December 26
Martin Lang in The Dissenter podcast summarized his work on ritual and moralizing gods "Rituals, Synchrony, Moralizing Gods, and the Study of Religion"

November 20
Martin Lang's talk on "Physiological/neurological measures in the study of religion"

March 25
Radek Kundt's talk on "The origins of cooperation"


December 17
Jana Nenadalová's talk on "Embodied mind, prediction, and evolution"

Decemeber 3
Eva Kundtová Klocová's talk on "Religious rituals and practices as a communication platform of human sociality"

November 2
Jakub Cigán appeared at the event "Konspirace, úzkost, řád" ("Conspiracy, anxiety, order") at the theatre Husa na provázku. Podcast on Spotify.

October 9
Jana Nenadalová in an interview on belief in the unprovable and on religion and ideology, for COPAK on Instagram.

July 23
Jana Nenadalová in an interview on the function of holidays in contemporary society for COPAK on Instagram.


June 29
The research on the effects of ritual on anxiety by Martin Lang, Jan Krátký and Dimitris Xygalatas was featured in České novinyLidové novinyČeská televizeSeznam ZprávyMagazín MScience DailyScienmag. Martin Lang also presented the research in the Czech Television.


October 17
Peter Maňo and Jakub Cigán in Slovenian RTVS's TV show Experiment on evolutionary research of religion.


October 4
Peter Maňo appearing on TV broadcast of Slovak TA3 station "Za hranicami(In english: Beyond the border).


December 7
Martin Lang's talk "Religion as complex adaptive system"

August 13
An interview with Eva Kundtová Klocová for Studio 6, ČT24.

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