

September 27
Article about the new five-year CREDO project: Náboženství jako vlivný faktor rozhodování


September 18
Research led by Eva Kundtová Klocová (together with Martin Lang, Peter Maňo, Radek Kundt, and Dimitris Xygalatas) featured on PsyPost, "Sorcery practices linked to selfish behavior and rule-breaking for personal enrichment".

August 15
Jana Nenadalová about a research on Deník N, "Rituály nepomáhají při výběru vhodného partnera jen u pávů, ale také u lidí".


September 15
by Martin Lang, Jan Krátký, and Dimitris Xygalatas mentioned by BBC, "The surprising power of daily rituals".

September 7
Research lead by Martin Lang mentioned on Vědci zkoumali soudržnost lidí při terorismu i přírodní katastrofě (Scientists studied cohesion of people during terrorist and natural catastrophes)

September 5
Výzkum Petera Maňa zmíněn na Zajímavý výzkum: jsou hody na koš vnímané jako úspěšnější po rituálu? (Interesting research: Are basketball throws perceived as more successful after a ritual?)

February 9
Jana Nenadalová's research was featured on NKC - gender a věda (gender and science) and on the Faculty of Arts MU website.

January 12
Research by Martin Lang and Jan Krátký (together with Dimitris Xygalatas) on the influence of ritual on anxiety was mentioned in "Why do humans embrace rituals? Disease and danger may be at the root of the behaviors" in National Geographic.


June 29
The research on the effects of ritual on anxiety by Martin Lang, Jan Krátký and Dimitris Xygalatas was featured in České novinyLidové novinyČeská televizeSeznam ZprávyMagazín MScience DailyScienmag. Martin Lang also presented the research in the Czech Television.

June 15
Radim Chvaja, Eva Kundtová Klocová, Radek Kundt, and Martin Lang with their research on the effects of the pandemic in "Koronavirus přinesl do výzkumu na fakultě nové impulzy(Coronavirus brought about new impulses for research on the faculty).

May 21
Research on non-religious worldviews, in which Eva Kundtová Klocová and Dan Řezníček collaborate in, in The Conversation"How non-religious worldviews provide solace in times of crisis".

LEVYNA's research on Mauritius in the Czech Týdeník Rozhlas (2/2020): Jak bolest zoceluje mysl (How pain hardens the mind).


September 3
A Study on the effects of extreme rituals on psychophysiological well-being, that a LEVYNA was a part of, was mentioned in UConn TodayKeele UniversityMedical Research, and eFree News. Also in EurekAlert!Phys.orgMarginal Revolution, or Gerçek Bilim. Radek Kundt also spoke about the study on Český rozhlas Plus (The Czech journal Plus). Also featured in Magazín Monline.

May 16
Martin Lang won a rector's award for extraordinary young scientists: "Překvapení pro pedela i loučení rektora. Univerzita oslavila Dies academicus"; also in printed version (May).

May 5
LEVYNA in the online version of the Masaryk University Magazín M"Nebýt trestajících bohů, civilizace by vypadala jinak("Were there no punishing gods, civilization would look differently"), also in the printed version (April).

April 9
A study by Martin Lang, Jan Krátký et al. in TIME"Americans Are Obsessed With Tidying Up. But There's a Downside to Being Organized".

March 31
The Slovak Denník N on research Martin Lang and Eva Kundtová Klocová were part of: "V 15 rôznych spoločnostiach skúmali, či viera v moralizujúcich bohov obmedzí podvádzanie ľudí".

March 15
A research of which LEVYNA was part of was mentioned in SME's podcast: "Zistili, čo ľudia robili v dávnom Stonehenge".

March 13
The Czech Deník N on research Martin Lang and Eva Kundtová Klocová were part of: "Experiment s černobílou kostkou dokázal, že Bůh, Šiva nebo Burgan umožnili vznik dnešních států". ("An experiment with a black-and-white dice shows that God, Shiva, or Burgan have facilitated the emergence of contemporary states")

March 7
LEVYNA's research on trust between Christians and Hinduists in Mauritius was published in Denník N.

March 7
Daily Mail on research Martin Lang and Eva Kundtová Klocová were part of: "Belief in a 'moralising' god that could punish those who misbehave may have helped diverse groups co-operate as societies grew, study says".

March 6
New Scientist on research Martin Lang and Eva Kundtová Klocová were part of: "How belief in punitive gods may have helped large societies cooperate".


October 5
Anxiety and ritualisation research appearing in Vice magazine in the article "Why cleaning makes some people less anxious".


October 30
"Lidé mají předsudky vůči ateistům" (In english: People hold prejudices against atheists).

October 30
"Mučí zvířata a vraždí bezdomovce? Ateisté ve světě čelí předsudkům, Česko není výjimka(In English: Are they torturing animals and killing homeless persons? Atheists are facing prejudices, Czech republic is not an exception. 

October 9
The Anxiety-Busting Properties of Ritual, Psychology Today.

August 23
"Religionistka: Náboženská viera nie je garantom vyššej morálnosti(In English: Science of Religion: Religious faith does not guarantee better moral values and people hold prejudices against atheists), DennikN.

August 23
"Výzkum: Lidé mají předsudky vůči ateistům. I když jsou sami nevěřící(In English: Research: People hold prejudices against atheists. Even when they are atheists themselves),

August 21
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists,

August 21
Survey Finds Most People Are Biased Against Atheists, Including Atheists, The Smithsonians.

August 13
Even atheists think that horrendous crimes are probably committed by atheists, International Business Times.

August 13
Study: People Believe Atheists More Likely to Be Immoral, Newsmax. Independent. American.

August 13
Killers, torturers . . . and atheists: why non-believers get a bad rap, The Times.

August 13
Do we need religion to have good morals? Even atheists think horrific crimes are likely committed by atheists, Mail Online. Science & Tech.

August 13
Atheists tend to be seen as immoral – even by other atheists: study, The Guardian.

August 13
Atheists believed to be less moral, says study, BBC News.

August 13
The Serial Killer Test: Biases Against Atheists Emerge in Study, The New York Times.

April 6
Slovenský vedec skúmal na Mauríciu" (In English: Scientist of Slovakian origin Slovak conducted reasearch in Mauritius"), Dennik N. Anthropologist Peter Maňo went to Mauritius to investigate the role of  extreme rituals in the proliferation of complex societies.


July 18
"Laboratoř, v níž zkoumají náboženství", Lidové noviny (Saturday 16). Vědci z Masarykovy univerzity novátorsky zjišťují, jak na lidské chování působí víra v bohy, sakrální hudba, polohy těla, 3D předměty a rovněž i bolestivé rituály. (In English: Scientists from Masaryk University are investigating in an innovative way how is human behavior affected by faith in gods, sacred music, bodily positions, material objects and painful rituals.

July 14
"Obětováni pro rozvoj lidstva(In English: Sacrificed in a name of mankind), Lidové noviny. New study just published in Nature affirms prior assumptions that religious rituals comprising human sacrificing foster stratification in societies. An expert commentary by Radek Kundt.

April 1
"Trestající bohové rozvíjejí civilizaci(In English: Punishing gods are contributing to the rise of societies. Levyna researchers are investigating harsh rituals in Mauritius), Lidové noviny. Výzkumníci Levyna studují drsné rituály a náboženství na Mauriciu.

February 24
The feeling of being observed increases prosocial behavior, Aarhus University website.

February 17
Keeping an Eye on Human Behavior,


October 24
Rituals : The power of pain  
Lex Press.

October 24
"Zájemci diskutovali o náboženském mozku", Stisk (

October 24
"Katolíci mají k sobě při mši blíž. Proč, zkoumá brněnská Laboratoř pro experimentální výzkum(In English: Catholics are closer to each other during their sermon. Why? That is investigated by the Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion), Rádio Česko: Czech Broadcasting agency at

October 24
"Vědci zkoumají poznatky buddhistů. Meditace prý pomáhá při přemýšlení a může vést k mimotělním zážitkům(In English: Scientists are tapping into Buddhists' experiences. Meditation seems to support thinking abilities and may lead to extracorporeal experiences), Rádio Česko: Czech Broadcasting agency at

July 15
Extreme rituals promote prosociality, Patheos.

June 20
Painful and extreme rituals enhance social cohesion and charity, PsyPost.

May 21
Anthropology Review Database - The Burning Saintsmonography by Dimitris Xygalatas now reviewed.

May 21
Homo Experimentalis: The Place of Experimentation in the Scientific Study of Religion, Religion Bulletin.

February 24
Aarhus University Expedition attracts interest of Mauritian Government. MINDLab and LEVYNA researchers met with Mauritian Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology.

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