Jana Nenadalová
I am interested in religious experience, predictive processing, and alternative spirituality.
I am interested in unusual individual experiences, commonly described as religious, spiritual, mystical, psychedelic, etc. I study evolutionary mechanisms of human cognition, allowing us to have religious experiences, and how these mechanisms intertwine with cultural learning and socialization processes. Furthermore, I am asking about the evolutionary purpose of the human ability to experience religious and other related experiences. My research's main theoretical framework is predictive processing theory, the cognitive-computational theory of human consciousness and perception. The primary research method I am using is an experiment. However, to better understand religious experiences' social and cultural context, I am also working on field research of alternative-spiritual practices.
Feel free to contact me at jnenadalova@mail.muni.cz.
My publications
Nenadalová, J. (2018). Mystická zkušenost v laboratoři: Terapie tmou [Mystical experience and dark therapy]. Sacra, 16(2), 7–25.