NSYR data used in one of the projects showing changes in belief in God across data collection waves (ages 13-27) in US population, divided by material security of parents during Wave 1.

Existential security, secular institutions, and group norms: Explaining the rise of non-theism

The central question of the proposed project is whether increased existential security causes non-theism. Using a combination of longitudinal panel data and randomised controlled experiments, we will compare three competing explanations (Hout & Fischer, 2014; Inglehart, 2020; Norenzayan, 2013) of the causal chain underlying the relationship between security and non-theism. By combining the investigation of individual-level motivations with group dynamics under insecurity, this project will provide significant insights into the complex social processes underlying the rise of non-theism in Western societies.

Existential security is a 18-month project (2023-2025) funded by the Explaining Atheism project.

The Team

Research Outpus

Lang, Martin, & Chvaja, Radim. (2024). Mechanisms of Secularization: Testing Between the Rationalization and Existential Insecurity Theories. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1), 126508. https://doi.org/10.1525/collabra.126508

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