29 Sep 2022 LEVYNA members became IACESR elects Within the International Association for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion, Eva Kundtová Klocová was elected a secretary general and Martin Lang a member at large.
15 Jun 2022 Rituals signal mate quality Peter Maňo, Radek Kundt, and Eva Kundtová Klocová, together with Dimitris Xygalatas, published an article on rituals as signals of mate quality in the journal Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
13 Jun 2022 Advertising cooperativeness In the journal Royal Society Open Science, Martin Lang, Radim Chvaja, and David Václavík, together with Benjamin G. Purzycki, and Rostislav Staněk, published an article on how costly signals communicate cooperative intentions.
7 Jun 2022 "Cognitive" science of religion? In the Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, Eva Kundtová Klocová published a commentary on Claire White’s book An introduction to the cognitive science of religion.
14 Apr 2022 The Evolution of Religion and Morality Coedited by Martin Lang, Benjamin Purzycki, Joseph Henrich, and Ara Norenzayan, and featuring LEVYNA researchers, Religion, Brain & Behavior published a double issue reporting results of the second wave of The Evolution of Religion and Morality Project.
24 Mar 2022 Why do people perform rituals? Together with a colleague from University of Connecticut, Peter Maňo published an article on ritual exegesis of Mauritian Hindus in the journal Religion.
17 Dec 2021 Jana Nenadalová received the IGA grant for a second time The Masaryk University Internal Grant Agency will fund her project Sensing the Darkness: Field research of Dark therapy.
19 Oct 2021 How to measure ritual attendance accurately? Together with colleagues from Otago, Martin Lang published an article on the accuracy of methods for measuring ritual attendance in the PLoS ONE journal.