22 May 2019 A prestigious award goes to Martin Lang Martin Lang has been awarded the Rector's Award for Outstanding Research Results Achieved by Young Scientists under 35 in social sciences and humanities.
13 May 2019 Radim Chvaja has been awarded the EHBEA’s Student Research Grant Our Ph.D. student Radim Chvaja has been awarded student grant from European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (EHBEA) that will enable him to study religious pilgrimage in Mauritius.
8 May 2019 A new theoretical article about the difference between the theory of costly signaling and CREDs with application on religious phenomena A new article has just been published in Human Ethology, in which our PhD students explain the relation between two theories of religious displays – the costly signaling theory and the credibility enhancing displays theory (CREDs).
8 Mar 2019 New article testing the influence of moralizing gods on intragroup and intergroup cooperation Our new paper in which we test on cross-cultural sample whether beliefs in omniscient and punitive moralizing gods contribute to the scaling up of cooperative societies and whether they apply also beyond co-religionist circles as far as to religious outgroups has been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
16 Feb 2019 New Publication on Identity Fusion Theory Our new paper in which dr. Ben Purzycki (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Lipsko) and Martin Lang are testing the identity fusion theory on a cross-cultural data set is out in Cognition.
16 Feb 2019 New Textbook of Cognitive Science of Religion LEVYNA has a chapter in a new Bloomsbury Press textbook in which we explain in depth our experiment on ritualized behavior and anxiety.
4 Jan 2019 New edited volume in honor of Armin W. Geertz LEVYNA has contributed two chapters to the new edited volume Evolution, Cognition, and the History of Religion: A New Synthesispublished in honor of Armin W. Geertz.
19 Dec 2018 New publication on religious badges and interpersonal trust There is a new article in Evolutionary Psychology about the effects of religious badges on interpesonal trust that LEVYNA has collaborated on.